Pariksith Singh(2022)

Pariksith Singh, MD, is board certified in Internal Medicine. Upon completion of his residency, Dr. Singh relocated to Florida and worked for several years before establishing Access Health Care, LLC in 2001. His literature is the articulation of this “inner quest” for the spirit’s perfection in matter, and therefore an expression of the eternal struggle of form (matter) to attain the supreme fluidity of content (spirit) and content to attain the perfect expression in form. His poetry, stories, literary critiques, and his prolific translations (from Hindi, Sanskrit, Persian, and Urdu) carry a strikingly original and creative interplay of form and content, technique and narrative, style and substance. Singh’s forms sweep blithely from conventional sonnets to free verse, from creative haiku to koan-like two-liners, from structured narrative to neo-modern stream-of-consciousness quasi-poetic prose in a wide arch of nose-thumbing experimentation.
