
Ranjit Hoskote(2023)

Ranjit Hoskote is a poet, cultural theorist, translator and curator. His eight collections of poetry include Vanishing Acts, Central Time, Hunchprose, Jonahwhale and Icelight. His translation of a celebrated 14th-century Kashmiri woman saint’s poetry has appeared as I, Lalla: The Poems of Lal Ded. Hoskote curated India’s first-ever national pavilion at the Venice Biennale, under the title ‘Everyone Agrees: It’s About to Explode’, and co-curated the 7th Gwangju Biennale. He has received the Sahitya Akademi Golden Jubilee Award, the Sahitya Akademi Translation Award, the S H Raza Literature Award and the JLF-Mahakavi Kanhaiya Lal Sethia Award for Poetry.

Ranjit Hoskote es poeta, teórico cultural, traductor y comisario. Entre sus ocho poemarios figuran Vanishing Acts, Central Time, Hunchprose, Jonahwhale e Icelight. Su traducción de la poesía de una célebre santa cachemir del siglo XIV ha sido publicada con el título I, Lalla: The Poems of Lal Ded. Hoskote comisarió el primer pabellón nacional de la India en la Bienal de Venecia, bajo el título “Everyone Agrees: It’s About to Explode”, y fue comisario de la 7a Bienal de Gwang ju. Ha recibido el Premio Golden Jubilee y el Premio de Traducción de la Academia Nacional de las Letras de la India, el S H Raza Literature Award y el JLF-Mahakavi Kanhaiya Lal Sethia Award de poesía.
