Marifé Santiago(2024)
Marifé Santiago is a professor of Aesthetics at UCM's Faculty of Philosophy and a patron of the MarÃa Zambrano Foundation. She is a member of the Royal Academy of History and Art of San Quirce, ITEM, and the Academy of Performing Arts of Spain. Santiago served as the general director of the Department of Education and Culture of the Presidency of the Government of Spain from 2004 to 2011 and has been vice president of the Classical and Modern Association for Equality in Culture. She is an author of numerous essay books, poetry collections, novels, and theatrical texts, with works translated into various languages. Santiago co-directs the Complutense Research Group ‘Poetics of Modernity’ and is a member of the URJC Observatory for Research and Innovation in Arts Sciences of the Stage ‘Atlas of Interferences’. She has received commendations from the Government of Spain and Portugal for her cultural contributions and directs the thought and creativity collection - Palabras Hilanderas (Huso-Cumbres publishing house).
La poeta Marifé Santiago-Bolaños es Doctora en FilosofÃa, profesora titular de Estética en la Facultad de FilosofÃa de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, patrona de la Fundación MarÃa Zambrano, académica correspondiente de la Real Academia de Historia y Arte de San Quirce, pertenece al ITEM, al INSTIFEM y a la Academia de las Artes Escénicas de España. Cerca de una veintena de libros ensayÃsticos donde se cruzan la filosofÃa y los procesos creativos, una decena de libros de poesÃa, cuatro novelas y un texto teatral, avalan una trayectoria que ha llevado a la traducción de parte de su obra a distintas lenguas, asà como a presentarla en antologÃas, congresos, libros colectivos, catálogos artÃsticos, obras musicales, escénicas y visuales o diccionarios, y a estudiarla en universidades nacionales e internacionales.