Shruti Rajagopalan(2021)
Shruti Rajagopalan is a Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and a Fellow at the Classical Liberal Institute at NYU School of Law. She is the host of the Ideas of India podcast. She directs the Emergent Ventures India grants program at the Mercatus Center. Before joining the Mercatus Center, she was an Associate Professor of Economics at State University of New York, Purchase College. She earned her Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University. She has a BA (Hons) Economics and LL.B. from University of Delhi; and an LL.M. from the European Masters in Law and Economics Program at University of Hamburg, Ghent University, and University of Bologna. Her broad area of interest is the economic analysis of comparative legal and political systems. Her research interests specifically include law and economics, public choice theory, and constitutional economics. She also enjoys writing in the popular press and wrote the fortnightly column The Impartial Spectator in Mint. She has also published opinion editorials on Indian political economy in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Real Clear Politics, Mint, National Review, The Hindu: Business Line, and The Indian Express.