Anne Waldman(2024)
Anne Waldman is a poet, professor, performer, librettist, and cultural activist. She is the author of over 60 volumes of poetry, poetics, and anthologies including The Iovis Trilogy: Colors in The Mechanism of Concealment, which won the Pen Center Literary Prize. Penguin has published her books over many years, including Trickster Feminism, among five others. Her album SCIAMACHY was released in 2020 by Fast Speaking Music. She is most recently the author of Bard, Kinetic and co-editor with Emma Gomis of New Weathers: Poetics from the Naropa Archive. She is also the author of the recent book Rues du monde / Streets of the World, with translations into French by Pierre Joris and Nicole Peyrafitte. She has written an essay on the Beats and the founding of the Buddhist-inspired Naropa University, including notes and poems, titled Tendrel: A Meeting of Minds.